CJMeyer Adventures

Collecting & Designing Beautiful Memories

Tag: Ultrasound

  • Baby Bump Update: Week 19

    Baby Bump Update: Week 19

    Time: September 18-25th Developmental Milestones: Our ultrasound this week showed Baby is a sweet little girl! She is the size of a mango and constantly moving around. We even saw her cover her ears at one point during the ultrasound! Vernix caseosa has formed a protective layer around her body that will protect her skin…

  • Hello, Baby!…A Glimpse into My Pregnancy Journal

    Hello, Baby!…A Glimpse into My Pregnancy Journal

    I’ve started writing letters to the Baby during this journey in a pregnancy journal. Here’s a glimpse into what I wrote about this picture of 9-week old sweetheart! Hello Baby! We met your new doctor today (7/13/2012). You managed to scare the heck out of us at the beginning of the appointment- the doctor couldn’t…