CJMeyer Adventures

Collecting & Designing Beautiful Memories

Baby Bump Update: Week 19

Baby Bump Week 19

Time: September 18-25th

Developmental Milestones: Our ultrasound this week showed Baby is a sweet little girl! She is the size of a mango and constantly moving around. We even saw her cover her ears at one point during the ultrasound! Vernix caseosa has formed a protective layer around her body that will protect her skin for the next couple of months.

Symptoms: Feeling great!

Cravings: I’ve been on a roll with cheesecake!  James and I went out to dinner this weekend and we ordered a slice of their house cheesecake to go.  It was drizzled in caramel… simply amazing!

Highlights: We couldn’t be more thrilled with the news from our ultrasound! All of Baby’s measurements were on track and appeared to be healthy! I am so relieved. The past couple of weeks have been a bit nerve wracking since I am not showing a whole ton and I haven’t felt the Baby move yet. Our wonderful ultrasound technician explained that this was quite normal with an anterior placenta.  In this position, the placenta acts as an extra cushion between the Baby and your outside tummy- making it even harder to feel those first flutters of movement.

The day after we found out the big news, we hosted a reveal party for several close friends and family members.  It was such a fun and memorable night.  More details to come!  Right now, I’m enjoying this gorgeous profile pic:

and this adorable pic of our Baby’s hands:

Our ultrasound technician explained that the baby’s thumb is in a different plane on the left-hand side, which is why it doesn’t show up in the photo.  It was such a gift to see this little one moving around and to listen to her heartbeat.

3 responses to “Baby Bump Update: Week 19”

  1. Judy Nenninger Avatar
    Judy Nenninger

    Dear Candice,
    It was an evening Dad and I will always remember! Our hearts are so filled with joy for you and James.

  2. Judy Nenninger Avatar
    Judy Nenninger

    Dearest Baby Meyer, our precious granddaughter,
    You are so loved and cherished already . . . and seeing you at 19 weeks, we are just so grateful. You will be the love of all our lives.
    With all OUR love,
    Grandma Judy and Grandpa Wayne

  3. Judy Nenninger Avatar
    Judy Nenninger

    Dear Baby Girl,
    I think you have your mommy’s nose. . .
    Grandma Judy

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